And so, I Blog!!

Soooo, everybody is blogging except for Moi? Is this the newest form of writing? Are we headed towards the reality of the movie "Fahrenheit 451 "? What a tragedy that would be!! I have tried Twitter~for about 48 hours ,not for me at all! I do Facebook, but also find it to be truly surfacy and a bit of a waste of my time. I like to write, not twit or mindlessly comment. So, I guess I will. :) Here I will share on the most precious thing in my life, my recovery and my spiritual journey. If my only audience is that of the ether, that will be good enough ... for I write not to be read, but because I am called to write!!! And so, I blog!!
I will begin with the daily readings from the book:

A Grateful Heart ~ 365 ways to give thanks at mealtime edited by MJ Ryan
The Winter Prayers began on the first day of winter ~ so I am begining there. The winter prayers begin with this thought:
A thankful soul is thankful under all circumstances, a complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise. -BAHA'U'LLAH
Please join me in thought-provoking conversaton! Namaste' Cate

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I vow to offer joy to one person in the morning
   and to help to relieve the grief of one
   person in the afternoon.
I vow to live simply and sanely, content with just a
   few possessions.
and to keep my body healthy.
I vow to let go of all worries and anxiety
    in order to be light and free.
                         -Thich Nhat  Hanh

I have appreciated the pure wisdom and Spirit that shines through the words of Thich Nhat Hanh
for many years.  He has a simple and direct way of  opening me to see things through a different
I look at his list of morning vows and realize how different this is from my own ... my vows tend to linger more towards specific things to be done, or others to be avoided ... all in a more Santa Claus good-bad list sort of manner. It seems there are so many things to be accomplished, and so many things to let go of .... it is those items that fill my list prayers as  look toward each day. 
But, look at this simple list of his ... bringing joy to one person, relieving the grief of another....
living simply and sanely; light and free.  Those are such genuine gifts to take into every day,
bringing my presence in this world to a place of growing service!!
This kind of spiritual focus can help to refine my Spirit and grow me towards a path of enlightenment, and place where I can be all those I encounter.
I believe I have found a new morning prayer!
Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that
can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to
follow.  You are here for no other purpose than to realize
your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment.
Foster peace in your own life and apply the Art
of peace to all you encounter.
                                           - Morihei  Ueshiba

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