And so, I Blog!!

Soooo, everybody is blogging except for Moi? Is this the newest form of writing? Are we headed towards the reality of the movie "Fahrenheit 451 "? What a tragedy that would be!! I have tried Twitter~for about 48 hours ,not for me at all! I do Facebook, but also find it to be truly surfacy and a bit of a waste of my time. I like to write, not twit or mindlessly comment. So, I guess I will. :) Here I will share on the most precious thing in my life, my recovery and my spiritual journey. If my only audience is that of the ether, that will be good enough ... for I write not to be read, but because I am called to write!!! And so, I blog!!
I will begin with the daily readings from the book:

A Grateful Heart ~ 365 ways to give thanks at mealtime edited by MJ Ryan
The Winter Prayers began on the first day of winter ~ so I am begining there. The winter prayers begin with this thought:
A thankful soul is thankful under all circumstances, a complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise. -BAHA'U'LLAH
Please join me in thought-provoking conversaton! Namaste' Cate

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hold on to TRUTH

Hold on to what is good
   Even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe
   Even if it is a tree which stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do
   Even if it is a long way from here.
Hold on to life
   Even when it is easier letting go.
Hold on to my hand
   Even when I have gone away from you.
                -Pueblo Verse

Hold on?  It is interesting to be reading this when my current call seems to
be that of letting go!  More and more I want to live in the way of the open-hearted, open-minded, truly free to be open to the call ... to the possibilities ...
to fully be able to live in growing fidelity to God.

I have to chuckle at myself a little as I write this, because at this same moment of
wanting to let go, I am so aware of the winter cold and my underdeveloped willingness to let go
of having a warm home to live in at this time!  I guess I can only hope that life
never calls me out into the cold, and yet, that very thing is happening to more and more
people all the time.  So, if that should ever be my call, I guess that would be the time I
would be called to be willing to let go of my desire to be tucked in warmly?  Yikes!

At any rate, I think this prayer is a reminder to cherish
the many gifts that fill my life,
to live out the Truth in every moment,
and to keep the love that I share always alive in my heart.

That is something I certainly can try to do!

I hope that my days will grow in moments of awareness,
cherishing the many gifts that are life,
and carrying them in open hands
with an  open heart and mind ...
willing to pass them along
at  a moments notice.


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