And so, I Blog!!

Soooo, everybody is blogging except for Moi? Is this the newest form of writing? Are we headed towards the reality of the movie "Fahrenheit 451 "? What a tragedy that would be!! I have tried Twitter~for about 48 hours ,not for me at all! I do Facebook, but also find it to be truly surfacy and a bit of a waste of my time. I like to write, not twit or mindlessly comment. So, I guess I will. :) Here I will share on the most precious thing in my life, my recovery and my spiritual journey. If my only audience is that of the ether, that will be good enough ... for I write not to be read, but because I am called to write!!! And so, I blog!!
I will begin with the daily readings from the book:

A Grateful Heart ~ 365 ways to give thanks at mealtime edited by MJ Ryan
The Winter Prayers began on the first day of winter ~ so I am begining there. The winter prayers begin with this thought:
A thankful soul is thankful under all circumstances, a complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise. -BAHA'U'LLAH
Please join me in thought-provoking conversaton! Namaste' Cate

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In Their Season

Just as sunset is as beautiful as sunrise, all things
are beautiful in their season.  So tonight we give
thanks for age, and pray that we may hold in honor
all those who graciously come to the winter of life.

I have reached the age where there are fewer years left ahead of me than  those that have already been lived ... that becomes more apparent as I begin to move into that time in life where the the experience of losing friends and their spouses replaces the 
experience of losing our parents.
More and more, I begin to notice the beauty of the winter years ... 
just like the incredible lace of spaces of sky woven between
barren winter branches ... so is the beauty of graying
hair and wrinkles woven into our bodies.
Unexpected, surprising, softening...
and with each new wrinkle ... 
and each letting go ...
I become more and more aware of the wonder of each day ~
and I desire to cherish it and live it well.

Normal day, let me aware of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you
depart. Let me not  pass by in quest of some rare and
perfect tomorrow.  Let me hold you while I may, for it
may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into
the earth, or bury my face in the pillows, or stretch
myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want,
more than all the world, your return.
                                        -Mary Jean Iron


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