And so, I Blog!!

Soooo, everybody is blogging except for Moi? Is this the newest form of writing? Are we headed towards the reality of the movie "Fahrenheit 451 "? What a tragedy that would be!! I have tried Twitter~for about 48 hours ,not for me at all! I do Facebook, but also find it to be truly surfacy and a bit of a waste of my time. I like to write, not twit or mindlessly comment. So, I guess I will. :) Here I will share on the most precious thing in my life, my recovery and my spiritual journey. If my only audience is that of the ether, that will be good enough ... for I write not to be read, but because I am called to write!!! And so, I blog!!
I will begin with the daily readings from the book:

A Grateful Heart ~ 365 ways to give thanks at mealtime edited by MJ Ryan
The Winter Prayers began on the first day of winter ~ so I am begining there. The winter prayers begin with this thought:
A thankful soul is thankful under all circumstances, a complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise. -BAHA'U'LLAH
Please join me in thought-provoking conversaton! Namaste' Cate

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The light shines and lives in all.

The light shines and lives in all. May I never forget
that the darkest of creatures is also of the Light ...
   Love breeds love and is born and nurtured from
tolerance and acceptance.  Let me lay down the
anxieties and frustrations in this life to seek and foster
love all while remaining unattached to the act and
its results ...
    Spirit, friend of my flight, help me to journey
homeward in view of your message, "Love binds all
wounds, softens all roads, and frees the soul to fly
home in peace."      -DIANE V. CIRINCIONE

This writing is so rich with wisdom ... so filled with important reminders ...

FIRST ~ to remember that  even the darkest of creatures is also of the light!
I have heard it said tha there are really always only two things happening ... one is either  loving or seeking love.  How desperately some people behave in order to fill the emptiness they feel within ...this is a call for a compassionate response, not one of judgement.

SECOND ~ what an important reminder to share love and compassion freely,
without expectation or attachment.  Giving freely, and staying out of the results department ...
that is loving freely in a way that is truly healing!

THIRD ~ if i can remember to love, and keep loving ... it is love itself that will fill my journey with softness and light ... and will lead me ever home in freedom and peace.

Like our dear St. Francis says:  May I seek always to love, rather than to be loved.

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